Petra Zeitz shares her enteries
from her 1986 diary
Tuesday, 30.7.1986
Katja and I met John Hammel and Trevor
Jones at a Music Fair in London and they told us that Paul would come to the MPL office on Wednesday and Friday. We had booked
accommodation in Henley, but decided to go back to London on these 2 days. We arrived in Henley Tuesday evening and saw Olivia
shopping in a very exclusive boutique from 8pm to 9pm when the shop was already closed for "ordinary customers".

Wednesday, 31.7.1986
next morning we went to Friar Park at around half past 10. We talked to a Gardener and to Olivias father. He was such a lovely
old man! He told us how tall Dhani had grown and that he had one more grandson a little older than Dhani. Later on we saw
the 2 boys leaving Friar Park. Dhani had very short hair and his front teeth were missing. Then
we saw Harry Harrison´s red Audi car coming down the drive. At first we didnt take much notice, but then we realised that
George was sitting next to him in the passenger front seat! I looked at the car and watched it moving, but my knees were shaking
and I could not do anything else but stare at George. George gave us a surprised look but as we didnt do anything but stare,
the car did not stop. We must have looked like 2 complete fools! George had been wearing a white jacket and Lennon-style sunglasses.
His hair was pretty long. Unfortunately we didnt get a photo of him and although we waited all day, we did not see him coming
back. Olivia drove out later in her black Mercedes and waved. When she returned
we said "hi" and she stopped the car. We asked her if George was already back and she said "no". Then I asked her "Can we
give you a birthday card and a present for Dhani" (It was the day before his 8th birthday) Olivia said "Sure! Oh,
thats very sweet of you" Then she told us that George had finished at Abbey Road (he had been recording there in June) and
that this had been the first time he had gone there in years. We asked her when George was supposed to come back. At first
she said "I shouldnt tell you", but then she added "At 4, maybe half past 4. You can go for a cup of tea and come back at
4, but dont tell him that I told you!" She was so sweet! The electric gates of Friar Park had closed on her twice, but she
stayed to answer all our questions. At around 6 oclock she drove
out again, saw us, and said: "Im sorry, he must be late". We waited some more hours no George. Then we talked to Guy Tannahill
who was working for George and he told us that George was in London and that he had delayed. He would return sometime in the
night. By 11pm it was pitch-black dark and freezing cold. We just had to leave.

Friday, 1st August
This was the last day of
our 3-week trip to England. We didnt know what to do: Paul was coming to MPL and appear on "Wogan" in the evening. On the
other hand it was our last chance to maybe meet George We decided to try Friar Park first. The nice gardener told us that
they had put Georges car back into the garage and that there was a big marquee put up for Dhani´s birthday party. Then Guy
came out and told us George would definitely not come out today, but he promised to get his autograph for us. We left 2 pictures
with him one of which was showing George in Hawaii and Guy asked where we had gotten that one from as he had actually taken
it! We arranged to meet him back at the gates at 6pm. We then went
to London by train and arrived at MPL just 15 minutes before Paul and Linda did! I was back in Henley in time to meet Guy
and he actually managed to get personalized autographs for us. Mine said "To Petra, Best Wishes, George Harrison (and the
OM sign and a cross) What a treasure! Petra
I think it was about 1999 in the summer. I was going to San Francisco from LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) and was looking
for my ticket before I was to stand in line at the American Airlines ticket counter to check my bags. I looked up when I heard
a shout of Olivia!.. There she was, wheeling her little black bag down the terminal, I engaged her with a shout also. She
looked at me with her sweet eyes, and I said... Hey, I think you are great. She just smiled, looked surprised, then kept walking.
She was wearing a rose pink velvet like sweat suit, with cute low black boots (no heel). She is more petite than I thought
from pictures. She was very kind to smile back at me. Then I saw her with a large man, apparently a body guard usher her out
to the curb into a waiting black limo. I lost my place in line... but it was so worth it. Wish I had my camera available..sigh..
but I have the memories. Sue