"I never saw them have a row"
-Kenny Lynch
were just very simpatico to each other" -Olivia
fell for her immediately. I told her that I didn't want her doing all that typing" -George
"She's been a very calming influence on me. We're blissfully happy" -George
"First and foremost I am a wife and mother" -Olivia
"Probably because George and I both come from working class backgrounds, our values,
our beliefs, are the same" -Olivia
(on the success of her marriage)
"He was a person that I had a great connection
with. He also had a great sense of humor. And he was very serious and he aspired to a higher kind of consciousness, a higher
life." -Olivia
"You know, it was really nature that he loved and I think he felt closest to God in
nature." -Olivia
"You know, George dedicated
a lot of his life to attain a good ending, and I don't have any doubt that he was successful" -Olivia
"George gave his life to God a long time ago. He wasn't trying to hang on to
anything, he had come to terms with it" -Olivia
miss George very much, he was a person I had a great connection with" -Olivia
"George always had time for people, and he used to make fun of the fact he was a Beatle"
"The world is a much
sadder place for suffering the loss of such a beautiful man" -Olivia
"This is a gathering
of George's close friends and family, so it's always going to be emotional. This concert pays tribute to someone we all loved.
I think he'd enjoy it"
-Olivia, October 8, 2003, at the premiere of 'Concert for George' Los Angeles, California premiere
"You know, recognizing George at his beginning of his career and then winning a Grammy for
his last album, it just has been a pretty good night" -Olivia,
8, 2004, after the Grammy Awards
"George aspired to leave his body in a conscious manner and that was
a goal of his life, you know. That is the whole point of meditation, the whole point of spiritual practice" -Olivia
"Fine is OK, but it is not really good enough, is it? But George was right, I am fine
and I am OK, although I will miss him until my dying day. But he walked his road and now I have to walk mine." -Olivia
There is no way of going around grief, I think it's better to just go right through
it. In fact, I probably torture myself a bit because I love listening to his voice, I love watching our home movies, I love
listening to his music and reading about him. For half of my life, I heard his voice every day, so to not hear it is very
strange." -Olivia
"He was so generous and
open, so much more patient with people than me. He took everybody along with him, like a driftnet fisherman. If we were going
on holiday, everybody would come. If we were having dinner, everybody was welcome. He was Pisces, so he swam in a school." -Olivia
"Well, I just gave him a
good chance to have a nice home life and a son. If he said I calmed him down, then I probably did calm him down. I used to
tell him to cheer down, not cheer up." -Olivia
"I don't know if anyone really knows the secret of such a long marriage like
ours, but we both had a bigger goal of attaining a spiritual success and I think that could be it. When you have a bigger
goal in life, it makes everything else a little bit easier." -Olivia
"I always separated George the artist from George the person." -Olivia
has just written a book about John. That's fine, I just want to appear where I have to. I don't need to say anything about
George to present him or preserve him because that's not what he would have wanted. I'm just trying to finish what he started."
-Olivia (Cynthia Lennon had written that George had an affair with Maureen
Starkey, ex-wife of Ringo Starr)
"He wanted to share the things he loved so
much. Who got it, got it, and who didn't, didn't." -Olivia
"He always had things going on like this. That's why he was such a fun guy." -Olivia
"Well, I think they were so young, and George, he always said that he was always like the adult in
the room. And, you know, you look now, and there wasn't that much age difference. But, you know, they were just four scruffy
guys. But he enable them to manifest their music for what they heard in their heads." -Olivia on George Martin
"When I heard about it, I sent George
a fax, and it just said, “Aren’t you glad you married a Mexican girl?” Olivia really kicked ass. She is
a beautiful person." -Tom Petty (after hearing the news about George's 1999 stabbing)
"Olivia had the hardest job in the world, because she loved George more
than all of us, and she really took care of him and cleared the path in front of him, behind him, and inherited that crazy
life, you know." -Tom Petty
"George had a really curious mind, and when he got into something he wanted
to know everything." -Olivia
"If you had something like two million people screaming at you,
I think it would take a long time to stop hearing that in your head. George was not suited to it." -Olivia
"George talked a lot about his nervous system, that he just didn't
want to hear loud noise anymore. He didn't want to be startled. He didn't want to be stressed." -Olivia
"He didn't want to have any obligations. He kept writing and
recording songs in his home studio, but turned down offers to appear on award shows, or to do almost anything." -Olivia